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There’s a place for you!

Finding your place in CUMI Liberty House is easy! Find out more about our Groups below, and you’ll quickly find that there’s a place for you here. Feel free to contact our Member Care team if you need any assistance.

Audio, Visual and Multimedia

We know that faith comes from hearing and believe that spoken word and song are two of the most important tools for a church service. It is our goal as a technical team to provide clear and intelligible sound that is transparent and distraction free to the listener.

The goal of the church audio team is to provide audio that is worthy of the worship of Jesus Christ.

The technical team is to have a heart for God eyes for video and an ear for sound” Why do we need a mission statement? Because if we do not know where we are going, we might not get there. How do the sound and video system and its operation help the church meet its vision? How does what we do as operators help enable that mission occur?

Worship is an essential part of our relationship with God. As citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, worship is part of our culture.
The primary function of the Worship Ministry is to lead the people of God in true worship under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Through worship, the congregation is led into the very presence of the Living God.
In addition, the Worship Ministry aims to encourage the church to develop spiritual maturity. Our programmes and training services will drive this objective.
 “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24)
Children’s Ministry
The Children Ministry is responsible for teaching and guiding our children from birth through to the age of 12 – when they move to the next level of their education. 
We aim to raise a generation of kings – who will boldly declare their allegiance to the King of Heaven and live as examples of good Christian character amongst their peers. We believe our world is crying out for new leaders such as these.
Door Way

This team teaches and develops new church members to become well-grounded Disciples of Christ, and able workers in His vineyard.

The Vision of the team is to connect you to Liberty House, and to explain our purpose, values, and history as well as our vision for the future. You’ll learn more about our leadership and how we operate. You’ll also be given the opportunity to become a member of Liberty House workforce, as well as explore the many ways to get involved in the ministry.


Although evangelism is mandatory for all believers, there is a team that is devoted to bringing the Gospel to the local community.

Our Evangelism Ministry is the platform that enables the church to accomplish the Great Commission and obey the Great Commandment of Christ which is to both reach the ends of the earth in His name whilst and to love our neighbours as ourselves.


The Hospitality Department is a service department in the Church and it is primarily responsible for providing hospitality services and making people feel connected, appreciated and a part of the  church. The department provides hospitality services to the Pastors, Ministers, visitors and members with an inviting atmosphere and an attitude of love and care.

Intercessory & Deliverance

This ministry focuses on supporting the Pastorate in prayer, interceding for the church and its members. The intercessors pray concerning major church events and the weekly services. They also take prayer requests from the congregation. Members of this department set time aside to pray and fast together taking all issues and burdens before God.

Members Care (Nurture & Retention)

The welcome department is responsible for making all guests, visitors, and church members feel welcomed and comfortable in a professional way.

The team is responsible for keeping up with visitors through different forms of communication and resources such as visitor cards and the church visitor database.

Youth Ministry
The New Generation Ministry is committed and apointed to teach, support and develop a new generation of kingdom citizens – who will take the message of Jesus Christ to their world , not just on pulpits, but on the streets, on social media and as many platforms as are available!
We aim to build a generation that will re-introduce a godly agenda into a world that has moved far away fron God’s plan.
New Generation will cater for all youth aged from 12 up to 24, covering most of the secondary school years and the university years – and beyond.
The ministry will deploy an array of tools and methods in preparing this generation for righteous and practical Christian living.
  • They attend to guest ministers welfare, security and comfort.
  • Coordinate members who wish to meet with the senior pastor or guest ministers.
  • Taking care of senior pastor at all stages of activities in the church and outside the church
  • Coordinating with the transportation Department in chauffeuring senior pastor and guest ministers.
  • Identifying visiting ministers, VIPs and church guest.


Sanctuary Keepers

Our Motto is: “Cleanliness is the next to holiness,” We ensure Church premises including the bathrooms and the surrounding grounds are aesthetically pleasing and clean at all times. We take care of the dumpsters and make sure the Church premises are free of litters and trash at all times. And, we freshen up the entire Church building with air fresheners, before and during service.


The Ushering Department is a service department in the Church and it is primarily responsible for ensuring that an atmosphere of reverence and order is maintained before, during and after the service. The department ensures that everything is done decently and everyone has a good worship experience.